MEPO of Oklahoma | SRT Benefits
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SRT Benefits

All MEPO members will get basic membership to SRT programs,which includes rebates up to $250 dollars quarterly. For just $99 a month members can upgrade to Roundtable membership level and recieve up to $2500 quarterly from the rebate program.

SRT/Roundtable Membership Benefits for MEPO members

Together, Service Roundtable companies purchase more than a BILLION dollars annually in goods and services. Through Roundtable Rewards you can use that collective buying power to receive rebates and discounts from our more than 140 participating vendors. Do you buy equipment for resale? Do you buy office supplies? Tools? Software? Computers? Of course you do, along with lots of other goods and services.  And now through the Roundtable Rewards program you can get substantial rebates and discounts for your purchases.

Plus, we’re adding new Partners all the time, but only after each one has been thoroughly vetted.

SRT/Roundtable Membership Benefits for MEPO members

Together, Service Roundtable companies purchase more than a BILLION dollars annually in goods and services. Through Roundtable Rewards you can use that collective buying power to receive rebates and discounts from our more than 140 participating vendors. Do you buy equipment for resale? Do you buy office supplies? Tools? Software? Computers? Of course you do, along with lots of other goods and services.  And now through the Roundtable Rewards program you can get substantial rebates and discounts for your purchases.

Plus, we’re adding new Partners all the time, but only after each one has been thoroughly vetted.

If you would like more information about our rebates please visit